
彭浩 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师
彭浩教授领导的科研小组研究领域包括:PET/MRI双模成像设备,乳房和心脏专用的PET设备,高分辨率的小动物PET设备,高性能半导体核探测器及电路,基于CMOS工艺的数字探测器,高速图像重建算法和粒子治疗。近年来的研究成果发表在Physics in Medicine and Biology,IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,Nucl Instr Meth A, Physica Medica,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Cancer Research等杂志。研究项目获得美国的NIH和 California Breast Cancer Foundation 的资助,加拿大的NSERC Discovery,NSERC Collaborative Research Development,Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation,Canada Foundation of Innovation的资助, 日本的 Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid的资助。开展的研究和工业界有紧密的联系,合作伙伴包括Hamamatsu Photonics,SensL,CAEN,Redlen Technologies, Gamma Medica Ideas,GE Healthcare和 IBM Canada。
1. PET/MRI双模和专用PET成像设备
Peng H and Levin C. Recent developments in PET instrumentation. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 11, pp555-571, 2010.
Peng H, Handler W, Simpson P J and Chronik B A. Proof-of-principle study of a small animal PET/ field cycled MRI combined system using conventional PMT technology. Nucl Instr Meth A., 612, pp412-420, 2010.
Olcott P D, Peng H and Levin C S. Novel Electro-Optical Coupling Technique for Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Positron Emission Tomography Detectors.
Molecualr Imagign., pp74-86, 2010.
Peng H and Levin C S. Study of PET intrinsic spatial resolution and contrast recovery improvement for PET/MRI systems. Phys. Med. Biol., 57, pp. 101-115, 2012.
Peng H and Levin C S. Design study of a high-resolution breast dedicated PET system built from cadmium zinc telluride detectors. Phys. Med. Biol., 55, pp2761-88, 2010.
Liang Y C and Peng H. Performance simulation of a compact PET insert for simultaneous PET/MR breast imaging. Nucl Instr Meth A., 751, pp23-30, 2014.
Liang Y C and Peng H. Spatial resolution recovery utilizing multi-ray tracing and graphic processing unit in PET image reconstruction. Phys. Med. Biol., 60, pp1217-37, 2015.
2. 新型核探测器的设计和开发
Peng H, Olcott P, Spanoudaki V and Levin C S . Investigation of a clinical PET detector module design that employs large-area avalanche photodetectors. Phys. Med. Biol., 56, pp3603-27, 2011.
Downie E, Yang X, and Peng H. Investigation of analog charge multiplexing schemes for SiPM based PET block detectors. Phys. Med. Biol., 58, pp3943-64, 2013.
Yang X, Downie E, Farrell T and Peng H. Study of light transport inside scintillation crystals for PET detectors. Phys. Med. Biol., 58, pp2143-61, 2013.
Peng H. Considerations of peak-to-valley ratio and signal-to-noise ratio for Anger-logic based PET detector designs. Nucl Instr Meth A., 798, pp88-98, 2015.
Zheng X Q, Cheng Z, Deen M and Peng H. Improving the spatial resolution in CZT detectors using charge sharing effect and transient signal analysis: simulation study. Nucl Instr Meth A., 808, pp60-70, 2016.
3. 基于CMOS工艺的PET探测器设计和开发
Cheng Z, Zheng X Q, Deen M and Peng H. A Comprehensive and Accurate Analytical SPAD Model for Circuit Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 63, pp1940-1948, 2016.
Cheng Z, Zheng X Q, Deen M and Peng H. Recent Developments and Design Challenges of High-Performance Ring Oscillator CMOS Time-to-Digital Converters. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 63, pp235-251, 2016.
Cheng Z, Zheng X Q, Deen M and Peng H. A Comprehensive and Accurate Analytical SPAD Model for Circuit Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 63, pp1940-1948, 2016.
4. 质子治疗
Peng H and Xing L. Neural network-based range verification for proton therapy based on prompt gamma emissions. AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017, USA.
Makarova A, Shirato H, Umegaki K, Xing L and Peng H. Study of polarization-based PET coincidence discrimination for range verification in proton therapy. PTCOG 2017, Japan.