
徐明 武汉大学哲学系教授
徐明(Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1996),哲学教授(博士生导师),2004 年春季开始在哲学系任教。他目前的主要研究兴趣包括哲学逻辑、形而上学、知识论和语言哲学。 他的出版作品包括与 N. Belnap 和 M. Perloff 合著的 Facing the Future: Agents and Choices in Our Indeterminist World(牛津大学出版社,2001 年)和发表在国际核心刊物上的一系列论文。除了逻辑学和哲学的基础课程,他主要教授哲学逻辑各分枝和相关的哲学理论。受聘武大前,他曾在美国的西弗吉尼亚大学(Western Virginia University)、匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)和印地安纳大学(Indiana University at Bloomington)任过临时教职,还在美国的一家软件公司任职数年。
模态逻辑导论 西方哲学问题导论 时态逻辑与条件句逻辑
Facing the Future: A Modal Logic of Agency in Our Indeterminist World. Co-authored with N. Belnap and M. Perloff. Oxford University Press, 2001.
"On some U, S-tense logics", Journal of Philosophical Logic 17, 181-202, 1988.
"Some descending chains of incomplete modal logics", Journal of Philosophical Logic 20, 265-283, 1991.
"Decidability of stit theory with a single agent and refref equivalence", Studia Logica 53, 259-298, 1994.
"Doing and refraining from refraining", Journal of Philosophical Logic 23, 621-632, 1994.
"Decidability of deliberative stit theories with multiple agents", Temporal Logic, first international conference, ICTL'94, Bonn, Germany, proceedings, D. M. Gabbay and H. J. Ohlbach (eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 332-348, 1994.
"On the basic logic of stit with a single agent", The Journal of Symbolic Logic 60, 459-483, 1995.
"Busy choice sequences, refraining formulas and modalities", Studia Logica 54, 267-301, 1995.
"Causation in branching time (I): Transitions, events and causes", Synthese 112, 137-192, 1997. (pdf)
"Axioms for deliberative stit", Journal of philosophical logic 27, 505-552, 1998.
"Uncompactness of stit logics containing generalized refref conditionals", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39, 485-506, 1998. (appeared in 2000, pdf)
"Modal logic", Encyclopedia Americana,2002.
"Normal extensions of G.3", Theoria 68(2), 170-176. 2002. (pdf)